CARIFTA Games 2022


event 58

 Jamaica National Championship Meet 
                                 CARIFTA GAMES                                  
                   NATIONAL STADIUM  - 4/16/2022 to 4/18/2022                   
Event 58  Heptathlon: #4 Girls U20 200 Meter Dash Heptathlon
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind Points    
  1 Myers, Shania             05 Jamaica                  24.63   1.1    921    
  2 Paul, Gianna              06 Trinidad and Tobago      25.61   1.1    832    
  3 McIntosh, Mia             05 Antigua& Barbuda         25.64   1.1    829    
  4 McMaster, A'Keela         05 British Virg             26.00   1.1    797    
  5 John, Gailan              05 Saint Vincen             26.32   1.1    769    
  6 Vincent, Tenique          08 Trinidad and Tobago      26.62   1.1    744    
  7 Pronzola, Lou-Anna        07 Martinique               28.11   1.1    622    
  8 Stanley, Cadence          03 St. Kitts& Nevis         28.71   1.1    576    
                         Women - Team Rankings - 2 Events Scored                
    1) JAMAICA                     26.50     2) British Virgin Islands     19   
    3) Trinidad and Tobago         15.50     4) Bahamas                    12.50
    5) Cayman Islands               3        6) Martinique                  1.50