For Drew Griffith and Ryan Pajak, winning has taken on a new meaning. They are no longer just representing themselves in their pursuits of victory.
Liliah Gordon of Northern Burlington and Peyton Shute of Gateway Woodbury took the trip to San Diego, CA for the Foot Locker National Championships on Saturday.
Ryan Pajak won the Foot Locker Northeast Title, and six Pennsylvanians earned bids to the National Championship
A few of New Jersey's best took the trip up to Boston for Foot Locker Northeast Regionals. Peyton Shute and Liliah Gordon both finished top ten for advancement!
Orono senior Ruth White finished third in the Footlocker Northeast race on Saturday.
2023 Footlocker Northeast Girls Championship Race.

- With the Foot Locker Northeast Championship slated for tomorrow, Pennsylvania has a great opportunity to make some noise on the regional level.
44 Pennsylvanians are slated to compete in the festivities at Foot Locker Northeast.
Ranking the Top 500 Girls in the Foot Locker Northeast Region.
Ranking the Top 500 Individuals in the Foot Locker Northeast Region.
We compiled a list of the top 100 boys and girls in the Foot Locker Northeast Region.
The top returners from the Champs Sports Northeast Region contain a Who's Who's of the best athletes in the area.