Warren Weir special guest at Forrest Invitational - Sport
Noel Spencer
Jan 06, 2013
The ninth staging of the Douglas Forrest Invitational Track Meet set for Saturday, January 12 at the National Stadium, was launch yesterday at Alhambra Inn where it was announced that Olympic 200m bronze medallist Warren Weir would be this year&rsq ... (via Jamaica Observer)
Brian Smith (centre), chairman and founder of the Douglas Forrest Invitational Meet, poses with sponsors of the event (from left) Ricky Martin from Hy- Lyte; Andrea Osbourne, Mother's; Patria-Kay Aarons GraceKennedy; Digicel’s Tahnida Nunes; Allison Dexter Carimed; Petcom's Tricia Greensword, and Prince Royal of GraceKennedy at the launch of the meet at Alhambra Inn yesterday. (Photo: Bryan Cummings